Wednesday, August 20, 2008

So Sick - what is it?

It's been a pretty difficult few days. I mean, Jasmine is going thru a fussy phase but she's gotten me worried. She is eating even less, only 9 ounces a day. Each ounce is 30ml so 9 oz is 270ml of milk a day. Can you survive on a glass of milk only?

I finally took Jasmine to see the doctor. The doc pointed out that it wasn't teething pains, but she has a sore throat. Her neck and throat are red and swollen, probably hurting her when she swallows so that is why she is eating so little. Poor Jasmine!!!

The doc also gave me a good scolding, that I should be feeding Jasmine lots of solids by now. What the doc doesn't know is that I try and try, but she doesn't like it too much. The important thing is to get Jasmine to take in iron, from meat or baby cereal. The last thing I want is Jasmine to have anemia.

The doc didn't prescribe anything, just told me to wait it out. It'll be a couple of days more before it'll go away. Now I feel bad. All this time I thought Jasmine was fussy because of teething but she was sick! I wish I gave her some baby Tylenol earlier. Hope she gets over the sore throat soon.

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