Sunday, August 24, 2008

9 Months - Still Growing

Jasmine turned 9 months a few days ago. She is very curious about everything so that when you walk by something she wants, she'll yank on it. One time, I was carrying her in the kitchen and there are coupons and magnets on the fridge. One big swipe and all the papers and magnets flung all over the floor. She just looked at me innocently; I had to laugh.

- weight 16lb 4 oz (10th %)
- length 27.5 inches (50th %)
- sitting up well
- doesn't mind being on belly and crawls in a circle and backwards

Jasmine is still recovering from being sick last week. I've started her on solid foods now and she likes it. But she is pushing away milk which is not so good. Milk should be her main source of nutrition until one years old so it's gotten me kinda worried, that she is only drinking 5oz of milk a day. Call me a first time Mom or a worry wart but I want the best for my daughter. Does anyone have ideas how to make a baby drink milk?

I wanted to take a picture of Jasmine on her 9th month but she was sick so I here's a couple of recent pics instead.


Karen said...

Breast milk or cow milk?
Could she have an allergy to lactose that it upsets her stomach?

bronwen said...

She's so beautiful!vh

leungv999 said...

Jasmine is still on breast milk. We have formula around and try to give it to her once in a while.