Friday, August 29, 2008

Still Recovering

Looks like Jasmine is still sick. She's not eating and not drinking any milk again. I checked her mouth and still no teeth so maybe teething? Not sure. She's been like this since yesterday and I'm so worried. I really hope this passes soon. If this continues, I'll have to bring her back to the docs to check her out.

She is sleeping alot. She slept from 9-11am, from 12:30-2:30pm and from 5-9pm and then from 10-7am. That is unusual. I crept into her room to check on her. I love how her little foot is sticking out of the crib.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

9 Months - Still Growing

Jasmine turned 9 months a few days ago. She is very curious about everything so that when you walk by something she wants, she'll yank on it. One time, I was carrying her in the kitchen and there are coupons and magnets on the fridge. One big swipe and all the papers and magnets flung all over the floor. She just looked at me innocently; I had to laugh.

- weight 16lb 4 oz (10th %)
- length 27.5 inches (50th %)
- sitting up well
- doesn't mind being on belly and crawls in a circle and backwards

Jasmine is still recovering from being sick last week. I've started her on solid foods now and she likes it. But she is pushing away milk which is not so good. Milk should be her main source of nutrition until one years old so it's gotten me kinda worried, that she is only drinking 5oz of milk a day. Call me a first time Mom or a worry wart but I want the best for my daughter. Does anyone have ideas how to make a baby drink milk?

I wanted to take a picture of Jasmine on her 9th month but she was sick so I here's a couple of recent pics instead.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

So Sick - what is it?

It's been a pretty difficult few days. I mean, Jasmine is going thru a fussy phase but she's gotten me worried. She is eating even less, only 9 ounces a day. Each ounce is 30ml so 9 oz is 270ml of milk a day. Can you survive on a glass of milk only?

I finally took Jasmine to see the doctor. The doc pointed out that it wasn't teething pains, but she has a sore throat. Her neck and throat are red and swollen, probably hurting her when she swallows so that is why she is eating so little. Poor Jasmine!!!

The doc also gave me a good scolding, that I should be feeding Jasmine lots of solids by now. What the doc doesn't know is that I try and try, but she doesn't like it too much. The important thing is to get Jasmine to take in iron, from meat or baby cereal. The last thing I want is Jasmine to have anemia.

The doc didn't prescribe anything, just told me to wait it out. It'll be a couple of days more before it'll go away. Now I feel bad. All this time I thought Jasmine was fussy because of teething but she was sick! I wish I gave her some baby Tylenol earlier. Hope she gets over the sore throat soon.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Giggle Giggle - Octotunes (video)

Jasmine is getting smarter and smarter by the day. She's getting bored of all the toys we have at home. Sigh. How do you occupy a 8-9 month old infant? I'm pulling my hair out each day, thinking of things to do and play with her.

Last night, I pulled out Lamaze Octotunes (octopus toy that makes sounds) and gave it to Jasmine. I could not believe the response we got from her....giggle, giggle, giggle.... Take a look for yourself:

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Bed Bumpers - We Need Them (video)

Since Jasmine was a month old, we found that she was a kicker (kicks off her blanket at night so we used sleep sacks). And since 6 months, she's a roller (likes to roll all over the place). She rolls around in her crib so crib bumpers are a must (although your community nurse may advise otherwise).

If it weren't for the crib bumpers, Jasmine's head would be busted already. Here is a sample clip of what she likes to do:

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Naked Beeps

I don't like posting nudity but couldn't resist taking a naked picture of Jasmine. Jasmine did one of those poopies that leaked everywhere so I had to clean her off in the laundry sink.

Basically, if there is a leak and she is wearing a onesie (that gets pulled over the head), it's an automatic bath. Without Richard around, I had to take off the dirty clothes, take Jasmine to the sink, get the water running, clean her, dry her and put clean clothes on....all with one pair of hands. Easier said than done since I need both hands to carry her and I couldn't leave Jasmine alone at all.

Here she is, playing naked on the couch after the bath:

Sunday, August 3, 2008

8th Month REgression - Continued

As of today, we are in week 37. It's been a week since the nightmare sleep began. This posting is just me blabbing and feeling sorry for myself.

Jasmine's scheduled bedtime is at 8pm but we've been putting her down earlier. Baby Beeps just refuses to take her naps. She rubs her eyes and yawns but wants to play when I put her down. So then I take her out to the living room to play and she starts yawning again. If I leave her in the crib, she screams and screams until exhausted and then naps for about 45 minutes. She's a tired mess by bedtime. She was sleeping thru the night but is now waking up a few times and getting up at an unGODLY hour each morning. WHEN WILL IT STOP?

I actually brought her in to bed with me a couple times this week to get some snooze (alot of people told me this is bad) but she kicks and kicks and kicks. Wouldn't you know it, she has strong legs. I had to put my arm across her legs just so she could calm down, and after 10 minutes of kicking and screaming, it worked. I got a good hour of sleep there.

And with food - Jasmine hates mushy food...she will only take chunks, which I don't like giving since she doesn't have any teeth! Oh, and she hates the spoon too. She will clamp her mouth shut or stick out her tongue or she'll open her mouth slightly and then blow on the spoon which splatters all the gunk everywhere. I just love feeding her... Oh yeah, and my freezer stash of breast milk? It's all gone now. Once breastmilk is contaminated with saliva, you'll have to throw it out after a couple of hours. Jasmine hasn't been finishing her bottles so alot is going down the drain, sad.

Jasmine is definitely teething; I can see a white thing on her bottom gums. I can't wait until her little tooth erupts out. And hopefully this will all be over?

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Jump Jump Jumperoo! (video)

We often hear friends talking about baby accessories such as the swing, jumperoo, exersaucer, walker... which one would you buy for your baby? If you have the money and space, you'll want to buy one of each item, but who can afford all that? We already have an exersaucer but want to get another toy for Jasmine.

Apparently, walkers are banned in Canada (safety issues) but you can still buy them in the US. We went to Toys R Us to check out jumpers and swings. We found that Jasmine did not like the swing much; she looked really bored. But when we put Jasmine in the jumperoo, she jumped and jumped and didn't want to get out of it. We decided to get a jumperoo for her.

Here's a video clip of Jasmine going bonkers in the jumperoo. Don't mind all the mess in the background...I needed the free time to clean up the house!