Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Growth Spurt - 8th Month Regression

Over the past few days, Jasmine has been getting up really early in the morning hungry. I'm guessing she's right in the middle of a growth spurt, which corresponds to the 8th month regression that everyone talks about. She's eating more often, napping horribly and pretty much grumpy all the time.

The eating part I don't mind so much, since I want her to gain weight. The problem is when she doesn't finish the bottle, I end up pouring the unused milk down the drain. And that part hurts me. Liquid gold as they call it. I have a small stash of frozen breast milk since pumping in the 5th month, but if Jasmine keeps up with her NOT-DRINKING-THE-WHOLE-BOTTLE-ROUTINE, the stash will be depleted quickly. We have introduced some formula in the past so it's not a big deal, but I am hoping to provide breast milk to her until she is one years old.

About Jasmine's naps, well she used to nap 1.5 hours in the morning, then have 1 nap early afternoon and another nap late afternoon. Right now, it's like she can nap for only 45 minutes at a time. And because of her short naptime, she ends up staying awake for an hour or so and then wanting another nap. She does this several times during the day.

With only 45 minutes break, I need to eat breakfast/lunch, do dishes, wash laundry, sweep the floor, pump milk... what should I do first? I'm exhaused and it's driving me insane. And to make things worse, Jasmine is not in a good mood with her lack of sleep. Poor Beeps.

Well, it's been a few days like this already. I can't imagine it lasting much longer (crossing my fingers that it'll be over soon).

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