Tuesday, July 1, 2008

First Family Trip - Portland, Oregon

We went on a week-long family vacation to Portland, Oregon and just got home. We drove along the Oregon coast (Astoria, Seaside and Cannon Beach) seeing the beautiful sandy beaches and awesome views. We went crazy tax-free shopping where we bought a SLR camera and 3 strollers (yes, 3 of them). There were so many good deals that we packed our car full before driving home. Luckily I winked at the customs officer and he let us through without any trouble.

PS - I'm kidding about me winking... instead, imagine Richard pulling up his shorts (showing legs) and dancing out of the car? J/K

While we were there, we visited OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry) and the Oregon zoo. We also shopped at Woodburn outlets, Seaside outlets and Prime Outlets. Here are some pics from our trip:

At Astoria Column, beautiful view
Taken at Hug Point
Oswald West Park, just off Hwy 101
At OMSI (dinosaur exhibit)


Karen said...

No need for graphic detail about Richie's legs!
Was it easy to do a car trip with Jasmine?
Did you have to take a lot of breaks, or could just drive straight thru?

leungv999 said...

The drive down to Portland was actually pretty good. We took small breaks along the way so it didn't seem long at all. Jasmine learnt how to sleep in the car that week. She needs to work at keeping quiet in restaurants though...