Friday, March 7, 2008

Why is the Baby Crying?

On one of my usual weekday walks, I decided to stop into our local drugstore to check out some creams to help relieve my dry skin. The winter dry air sure isn't doing my skin any good. It's dry, peeling and itchy. Worst of all, I look horrible.

So there I was with my stroller and baby, walking into the store. Jasmine was really good, quiet and just looking around. As I walk into the cream aisle, Jasmine starts to fuss. I take off her jacket and push the stroller along, hoping that she will calm down so that I can look at creams. Then she starts crying. I knew that it was close to her naptime so I wanted to wait it out until she fell asleep.

Jasmine cried and cried and cried...and she got louder and louder. People around me started looking at me funny, wondering why I am letting my daughter cry her head off. I continued looking at creams, hoping Jasmine will fall asleep soon. After 5 minutes of her screaming at the top of her lungs, I decided to go. I grabbed one of the creams off the shelf and walked towards the cashier to pay.

While waiting in line, the lady in front of me tells me, "she is so hot, can't you tell from her face?" I just smiled and kept my cool. Then the lady tells the cashier, "that lady is just standing there, isn't she going to pick the baby up?" Then the lady behind me says, "it looks like she is hungry, look at her turning her head."

Gotta love it when other people tell you why the baby is crying. Why do strangers think that they know the baby better than the Mom does? Makes me wonder if this happens to all Moms. Next time, I'll have a comment prepared in case this happens to me again.

After making my purchase, I walk outside with screaming Jasmine and then suddenly, she stops crying. Jasmine falls asleep immediately. Isn't life grand?

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