Sunday, March 2, 2008


When you hear the word "ouch", what do you think of?

When Jasmine was first born, she cried all the time. As first-time parents, Richard and I didn't know what the crying meant and spent countless hours trying to figure out what she wanted. Now that Jasmine is 3 months old, we find her needs quickly and get her to comfort within a few minutes.

We started our day like normal, feeding Jasmine and changing her diaper. Then we put her in her bouncy chair as we cooked lunch and watched some TV. Because Jasmine started scratching her face, we got our nail clipper out. Cutting her nails is no easy task. Pudgy fingers, wiggling arms and constant shoving her fist into her mouth, makes it a challenge.

Jasmine was content sitting in her bouncy chair and staring at the dolls in front of her and then suddenly...wah, wah, WAH! I turn around to look at Richard who has the nail clipper and claims "I didn't cut her". He takes a closer look and sees the cut. Richard informs, "oops, but there is no blood". Then 2 seconds later, blood starts dripping. But babies are so good, they don't hurt for long. Jasmine stops crying soon after.

Later that evening as we get ready for bed, I wash the last of the dishes in the kitchen. Richard is in Jasmine's room, changing her diaper. (Daddy Tweet should do the diapers more often). Suddenly, I hear a loud "BANG" and then loud "wah, wah, WAH". I dash into Jasmine's room to see what is going on. Richard smiles sheepishly and informs, "she hit her head herself". Apparently, Jasmine hit her head against the wall. How does a baby hit her own head?

To end the night, when we hear Jasmine cry, we know that she is in need of something that she can't get herself, unless of course, we are the cause of her cry.

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