Sunday, June 1, 2014

What a Day. Can It Get Any Worse?

Today is one of those days that you wanted to end ASAP.  Right from the get-go,  it started horribly:

1)  First thing in the morning, Julia went on a temper tantrum for no reason (maybe bad sleep last night?)  She was screaming and crying so we put her into the room and shut the door (this was 8am in the morning) and then she tries to kick the door down.  This lasted about 30 minutes.

2) Josh had a puking day.  He basically threw up after every feed, sometimes 3 times a feed.  Like one of those "he pukes, looks around, feels like he didn't make enough mess, so he does a mini-puke while looking the other way (the side that didn't get puked on yet)".  And after you change him and clean the floor, he decides that he didn't like his clothes and does another up-chuck.  This went on all the way into the evening.  Thanks dude...

3)  In the afternoon, Jas decided to have a meltdown.  So so so glad we were at home and not outside shopping.  She has this ear-piercing scream, cries hysterically, slams her feet into the ground and lies flat on the floor.  This lasted about 20 minutes.  In hindsight, it's probably from low blood sugar and she needed a snack or a short snooze.

4)  After dinner, we put Josh into the jumperoo.  He was happily bouncing away, bounce, bounce, bounce, for about 20 minutes.  It was time for his bath so we picked him up and found that he did a poop while jumping.  Great.  He did one of those "QUICK - get him into the shower and then peel clothes off" ones.  It was everywhere... gross.

On a joking note, Rich says "well, it could be worse...  If he sprinkles us with pee right now....  hahahha.   Ahem, no, that wouldn't be funny....  

I was So GLAD when the day was over.


Karen said...

oh, that was a really bad day.
I feel for you!

Honey Didi Loving Family said...

Hope the kids made it up to mommy!