Monday, June 2, 2014

Fighting Sleep - Kiddos

Sleep, sleep, sleep.  Why do they always fight sleep?  The kids have it GREAT, but they just don't know it.  Wish I could laze around all day long and just snooze on the couch.  They never want to take their naps.  They never want to go to bed on time.  

Little Josh is fighting all of his day time naps right now so it's exhausting.  I can't do anything during the day, not even eat lunch or go to the bathroom or change clothes to take him out for a walk without him whining out.  (he's at a very clingy stage).  He's up from 7:30am to about 9pm every day with a few 10 minute snoozes throughout the day.  The girls rarely take naps now and bed time is just filled with these: 

"I want water", 
"I'm hungry",
"I have to go pee", 
"I didn't eat vitamins yet",
"I need to read my book",
"I forgot my blanky", 
"my ear is itchy",  
"my eye hurts",
"my toe nail is catching on something"

These are excuses they've used regularly.  By the time they are actually in bed, it's around 11pm. Ugh.  I'm working on it.... sigh.  Here are some pics of the kiddies sleeping:


Honey Didi Loving Family said...

Hmmm, I guess all kids like to sleep sideways....yup, cousin Boo too.

Karen said...

Oh I love Jasmine's position.
Was Julia so tired from not taking a nap that she fell asleep in her chair like that?
The only time Ben takes a nap now is at school. About once every 3 days. If he naps though, he is up till 10, and then awake at 5:45
I agree. They have no idea how good they have it. I would love more sleep.

leungv999 said...

Yup, Julia didn't want to nap so I let her go play and that is how I found her in my room... Konked out in the chair. Kids are so funny.