Tuesday, March 11, 2014

What happened? Back to the Newborn Stage

I spoke too soon.  Josh was sleeping, napping and feeding perfectly.  Well, besides his preference to feed before sleeping (rather than eating as soon as he wakes up).  I dunno.  I feel hungry when I wake in the morning but not Joshy.  He can go 10 hours and still refuse to drink his milk.

The bad - now he's not feeding at all, not napping and waking several times at night, like a newborn.  What happened?

"Yummy fingers."

Josh is so fussy and unhappy, very clingy and whiny.  If I put him down, he`d scream until I picked him up.  If I sat down, he`d scream for me to walk around.  It seems he is teething badly.  Poor bb.  I can feel his 2nd tooth on the bottom about to pop out.  Let`s hope this one comes out QUICK and we can have our little angel back again.

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