Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Josh - 7 Months and 4 Teeth

Josh is now 7 months old and his 4th tooth just popped out.  I can't believe he's got so many teeth already.  He went for his shots today (2 shots) and he was a good boy.  He only whimpered and screamed for a minute and he was done.  Here are his stats:

Weight - 9.1kg (20lb exactly) - 75% percentile
Head - 45cm (17.7 inches) - 75% percentile
Length - 71.5cm (28 inches) - 75% percentile

So it seems his weight gain is slowing down (thank goodness) and he's growing on the 75% line.  Josh still hasn't rolled yet but the doc doesn't seem concerned.  His next check up will be at 9 or 10 months.

1 comment:

Honey Didi Loving Family said...

Way too cute! So like Daddy. Your catching up to cousin Kyle too fast!