Thursday, March 27, 2014

First Foods - Josh

After hitting the 6 month mark, we've been introducing Josh to his first solid foods.  He is very interested in what we eat and tends to grab at whatever we have in our bowl/plate.  We are now giving him oatmeal and some veggie/fruit each day.  So far, he's tried:  apple, pear, sweet potato, carrot, banana, oatmeal and rice cereal.  Oh yeah, and peas.  He hates peas with a passion.

He doesn't like purees too much either so pushes the spoon away.  Because he hates us using a spoon, we gave him his first baby mum today.  Look how happy he is chomping away at it.  We also tried giving him broccoli and he liked it.  Too bad he gagged and then vomited it all out.  We'll keep on at it though.

1 comment:

Karen said...

He is going to progress so fast now. Look out mom and dad!