Thursday, March 27, 2014

First Foods - Josh

After hitting the 6 month mark, we've been introducing Josh to his first solid foods.  He is very interested in what we eat and tends to grab at whatever we have in our bowl/plate.  We are now giving him oatmeal and some veggie/fruit each day.  So far, he's tried:  apple, pear, sweet potato, carrot, banana, oatmeal and rice cereal.  Oh yeah, and peas.  He hates peas with a passion.

He doesn't like purees too much either so pushes the spoon away.  Because he hates us using a spoon, we gave him his first baby mum today.  Look how happy he is chomping away at it.  We also tried giving him broccoli and he liked it.  Too bad he gagged and then vomited it all out.  We'll keep on at it though.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Josh - 7 Months and 4 Teeth

Josh is now 7 months old and his 4th tooth just popped out.  I can't believe he's got so many teeth already.  He went for his shots today (2 shots) and he was a good boy.  He only whimpered and screamed for a minute and he was done.  Here are his stats:

Weight - 9.1kg (20lb exactly) - 75% percentile
Head - 45cm (17.7 inches) - 75% percentile
Length - 71.5cm (28 inches) - 75% percentile

So it seems his weight gain is slowing down (thank goodness) and he's growing on the 75% line.  Josh still hasn't rolled yet but the doc doesn't seem concerned.  His next check up will be at 9 or 10 months.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Changed to Level 3 nipples

Josh is teething badly.  So bad that he won't take any milk feeds awake.  EEEK!!!  It doesn't matter how many hours we wait, even if it is 10 hours since his last feed, he still won't drink milk (like first thing in the morning).

It's been a week of this already and now he's starting to fight to sleep feeds!  EEEK!!!  What can we do now?  I decided to move up the nipple size to the next level so the milk flows faster.  Will this help?  Hope so.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

What happened? Back to the Newborn Stage

I spoke too soon.  Josh was sleeping, napping and feeding perfectly.  Well, besides his preference to feed before sleeping (rather than eating as soon as he wakes up).  I dunno.  I feel hungry when I wake in the morning but not Joshy.  He can go 10 hours and still refuse to drink his milk.

The bad - now he's not feeding at all, not napping and waking several times at night, like a newborn.  What happened?

"Yummy fingers."

Josh is so fussy and unhappy, very clingy and whiny.  If I put him down, he`d scream until I picked him up.  If I sat down, he`d scream for me to walk around.  It seems he is teething badly.  Poor bb.  I can feel his 2nd tooth on the bottom about to pop out.  Let`s hope this one comes out QUICK and we can have our little angel back again.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Baldy - First Hair Cut

When Jas and Julia were born, they both had a full head of hair.  I remember their hair was flying everywhere, couldn't tame it.  This is Julia at 5 months and Jas at 7 months.  

Unfortunately, Josh is completely opposite.  He has like 10 hairs?  (see pic above) I hope this is not a sign of his future head in middle age - LOL.  Our friends suggested to shave his head, since hair grow faster after you shave it.  Is it true?  Well, no harm in trying I guess.  He's got no hair anyways.  Here's our new baldy baby: 

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Sleeping Through the Night - Finally!

It's happened - several nights now.  Josh is sleeping through the night.  Ever since we've been giving him an 8oz bottle of milk (breast milk) (and if he drinks it all before sleeping), he does sleep a good 9 hours straight.  Yay!  Too bad he still fights the bottle while awake so we  have to wait until he is super drowsy.  But really, can't ask for more at his age.  No complaints.