Monday, January 20, 2014

Josh - 5 Months and Shots

Josh finally is well enough to have his 4-month shots, even though he is 5 months old today.  He had 2 shots today.  He was such a terrific boy, he didn't even cry, not a tear.  He did whimper a bit when he got the second needle but that was it.

Here are his stats:

Weight - 8.4kg (18lb 8oz) - 90% percentile
Head - 43.5cm (17 inches) - 50% percentile
Length - 67cm (26 inches) - 75% percentile

We discussed Josh's head shape again this visit and the doc agreed that it hasn't improved.  She will refer him to the plagiocephaly clinic at the Children's hospital for further assessment.  In the meantime, I've made an appointment to see a physiotherapist about his neck muscles, as he seems to prefer to look right all the time.  We literally have to push his head to the left, in order for him to look left.  Not good.  We'll see what the pros have to say.

1 comment:

Honey Didi Loving Family said...

What a big boy! Now can you sleep for Mommy and Daddy.