Sunday, January 19, 2014

Eczema on Face and Head

It seems Josh is very itchy, especially in the face, head and neck areas.  He already has cradle cap on his scalp and he's scratching all the time until bleeding.  His face has eczema as well.  We have to put mitts on him every time he sleeps.

We are now creaming heavy moisturizer on him every few hours, trying to control his itch.  We have to use hydrocortisone cream too (don't like it) but we have to use it or else, he'll claw his face off.  So now, we are on the hunt for a good cream that can stop all the itching. 

Previously we used Aubrey Organics but this cream doesn't seem to work for Josh.  He rashes up afterwards.  Right now, we are using Curel Itch Control.  I'm trying to get my hands on Cerave, as I've heard awesome reviews.  We also stopped using Johnson and Johnson head-to-toe and I've stopped eating nuts, dairy and gluten.  Hoping we can pinpoint what it is he is sensitive to. 

1 comment:

Honey Didi Loving Family said...

Poor Josh! I hope you find the right cream for him soon. Poor Mommy too with a limited diet.