Thursday, October 10, 2013

Almost Made it... to the Potty

A funny incident happened with Julia today.  We found her in bed butt naked in the morning.  We always tell the kids that when they go to bed to sleep, they have to be wearing clean shorts/PJs or just be in their underwear.  But she had no pants on!

So, we asked her:  Julia, why don't you have any pants on?
Julia replied:  Because I peed in the bathroom.
We asked:  Where are your shorts?
She replied:  In the laundry basket.
We asked:  Why are they in the laundry basket?
She replied:  Because it has pee in it.

What happened was:  she had to pee in the middle of the night, so she walked to the bathroom.  But she didn't quite make it in time and peed in her pants, while standing in the bathroom.  So she walked back to her room, took off her pants, threw it into the laundry basket and proceeded back to bed butt naked.  Good girl Julia!

1 comment:

Karen said...

It's nice that she was able to go without waking you guys up.
Even at 5, Megan still tells us when she is going. Ben always.