Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween Scare - Hospital Visit

Everyone in the house was getting excited about Halloween, decorating the house, wearing costumes to school, getting the candies ready by the door.  But in the end, no one got to do any trick or treating today.

We had quite a scare today.  Little Jas had a party on her own and ended up in the Emergency at Burnaby.  She came home from school and decided to sneak a candy to eat (crispy crunch), which came from Julia`s bag, from her preschool.  After 5 minutes, she got a belly ache.  It hurt so bad she had to tell someone.  And then her lips and face started swelling. 

I knew instantly she ate something with peanuts in it.  So I asked Jas what she ate.  She denied it.  Nothing she says.  I told her that I know she ate peanut.  The father-in-law comes upstairs and shows me the candy wrapper.  Yup, has peanuts in it.  I gave her Benadryl right away but her face continued to swell so I called 9-1-1.  The operator told me to give her the epipen.  Then Jas started to throw up everywhere.

The ambulance came and took her to Burnaby hospital to be assessed.  They gave her 2 additional shots and lots of Benadryl.  At the hospital, Jas threw up some more.  We finally left around 11pm at night.  So, for Halloween, no one got to go trick or treating.  Cost us a small fortune too, for the ambulance.  Luckily we have extended health to cover the costs.

I'm certain Jas learned something from this incident, as she's NEVER eaten peanut in her life.  Shots, throwing up, belly ache, swollen face/lip.  All the pleasant side effects she got.  I wonder if she'll remember this when she grows up?

Here are a couple of pics:        1)  Rashes around her neck 
2)  2 needle marks

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Halloween Carnival

The kids went to a Halloween carnival today, at the community center by our house.  Unfortunately, Joshua woke up late from his nap, just as everyone was leaving the house so I stayed behind to feed him.
The kids had a blast.  Both Jas and Jules dressed up, as a hockey player and butterfly.  There was face painting, bouncy castle, stickers and best of all, chocolate treats!  Yum.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Changed Teat size

Josh hasn't been feeding well these past couple days.  He went from drinking 4oz bottles to drinking only 2oz.  I used to burp him and then he'd drink the rest but now he won't have the rest of the bottle.  He seems happy enough and not bothered by hunger.  And his diapers are fine so I guess I should not worry yet.

He's 9 weeks already and I've been wondering when to change the nipple teat on his bottle, as he does seems to suck REALLY hard to get the milk out.  So I changed the nipple to a level 2 to see if this helps him drink more.  We'll see in a couple of days.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Am I Chubby Enough? 2 Months Now

Little Josh turned 2 months today.  We went to the docs today for his 2-month shots and here are his stats:

Weight:  6.73kg (14lbs 12oz)
Head:  40.5cm (16 inches)
Length: 61cm (24 inches)

He's a healthy 14.5lbs!  I can't believe he's grown so big now.  From what I remember, Jas was 6 months old when she was 14lbs so this is a really big jump.  I don't know how I will carry him when he turns 6 months and still can't crawl yet.  Both sisters love him to pieces and wants to hang around him even when he's changing his poopy diapers!  Here, they say: PEACE.

Friday, October 11, 2013

First Game - Go Canucks Go!

Jas has been a Canucks fan since last year, She watches hockey games on TV and sees everyone wearing Canucks shirts on the street.  She has a Canucks shirt too! 

Well, Jas was especially proud to wear her Canucks shirt today, because Rich took Jas to her first Canucks game today (too bad they forgot to take off jackets for the pic). They had fabulous seats.  Jas learned a new word tonight:  Luuuuuuuuu (for Luongo) as the crowd yelled this out every time he makes a save.  They had a great time and stayed up late on a school night. 

Will need to get another pic of Jas in her Canucks shirt.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Almost Made it... to the Potty

A funny incident happened with Julia today.  We found her in bed butt naked in the morning.  We always tell the kids that when they go to bed to sleep, they have to be wearing clean shorts/PJs or just be in their underwear.  But she had no pants on!

So, we asked her:  Julia, why don't you have any pants on?
Julia replied:  Because I peed in the bathroom.
We asked:  Where are your shorts?
She replied:  In the laundry basket.
We asked:  Why are they in the laundry basket?
She replied:  Because it has pee in it.

What happened was:  she had to pee in the middle of the night, so she walked to the bathroom.  But she didn't quite make it in time and peed in her pants, while standing in the bathroom.  So she walked back to her room, took off her pants, threw it into the laundry basket and proceeded back to bed butt naked.  Good girl Julia!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Down to 6 Pumping Sessions

I'm happy to finally reduce the number of times I have to pump each day.  Because of milk over supply, I went from pumping 12 times a day (every 2 hours) to 8 times (every 3 hours) and now only 6 times a day (every 4 hours).  Yay! 

Josh is drinking around 32oz/day and I'm producing over 40oz so the freezer is filling up nicely.  Will wait a few weeks to see if I can stretch out the time and pump every 5 hours (5 times a day).


Sunday, October 6, 2013

Meika's Bday at Go Bananas

We celebrated Meika's 3rd birthday today at Go Bananas in Richmond.  We've never been there before so it was really fun to play there.  Both the girls really enjoyed running around in the play area, which is a huge maze with little activities inside.  All the kids ran around and used up all their energy after eating all the yummy cake and food.  Meanwhile, little Josh slept in his car seat the entire time! 

It's funny kids never seem to be able to take good pics.  We took several shots of the 3 girls and there was not one pic where all 3 were looking at the cam...  Thanks Meika for having us!


Saturday, October 5, 2013

Megan's 5th Birthday Bash

It is Megan's 5th birthday bash today at her house.  We arrived a bit late, because Jas had piano lessons so we only got to play for a short period of time.  Boo.  We promise to play longer next time!  Little Josh wanted to play too and decided to cry whenever he was in the car seat, so we had to carry him out and show him off.  Little bugger.
There was lots of food and a princess cake.  All the kiddies were waiting around the table to get their hands on the cake.  Who doesn't love cake?  Mommy loved it and even took some home!  Thanks Megan for inviting us over.