Thursday, October 6, 2011

It's Roseola - Hives!!!

When Julia's fever went away two days ago, I thought that we were on our way to recovery. But nope. She got hives all over her body now! Eeek. I vaguely remembered that Jasmine caught this type of sickness when she was about 1.5 years old as well. Fever for 3 days, then as soon as the fever went down, the body broke into hives. It's called Roseola.

We took Julia to the doctor's office, just to be sure, in case she caught something else. We were told that the hives will go away on its own, no medications needed. It's roseola.


Karen said...

B has been a lot healthier than M was. But he was sick several times as a baby, while M was not. So hopefully his immune system is more developed as the winter season is about to hit. I remember M had rosela too. B not yet.

leungv999 said...

It's funny how all kids seem to go thru the same types of illness around the same age.