Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Haunted House

This year, Halloween lands on a Monday and we decided to visit a friend's neighborhood to trick or treat and see the haunted house.

Immediately after work, I picked up Jas from daycare, fed her quickly and got ready for the big night. As we get ready to go, I took out a beautiful butterfly costume for Jas and a spider costume for Jules. Jules had no idea what was going on but really liked all the legs hanging around her body. However, Jas refused to put the butterfly costume on. She wanted her green dragon outfit more (she already wore it all day at daycare). No matter how much I pleaded and convinced her, she absolutely refused. Oh well. At the least, she is in a costume. Above, is our family photo.

We met up with Alyssa, Michael and Connor (l'il tiger) and got some candy in Renfrew Heights. Both kiddies really enjoyed walking from house to house, ringing the doorbell and screaming "trick or treat!" In fact, Jas started enjoying her treats well before she got home. (we have to go thru all her treats to screen out all the ones with peanuts in it). Even Julia caught on that the packets in the bag is for eating, but she's not allowed to have any treats. Poor Julia. Maybe next year.

We also toured a haunted house on the block, which was really well done. It felt like a real haunted house, with several rooms to walk through, flashing lights, scary objects moving inside, people hiding around corners and jumping out, and even a pitch black maze at the very end. Pretty creative and impressive. We had a terrific evening and we'll be sure to do this again next year.

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