Friday, October 14, 2011

Hitting in School

I stayed home this week to take care of the kiddies. It's been a hectic week, with LoYe in hospital and both kids being sick. Jas still had to go to preschool on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays so I took her to school.

On the Friday, when I picked Jas up after class, the teacher pulled me aside to tell me bad news. Jas took a toy from one of the boys in class. This angered the boy, who then went and smacked Jas in the face. Poor beeps!!! They put ice on her face and separated the two kids for the rest of the class.

Jas seemed normal. Didn't look hurt or upset. She was fine so I left it at that. Maybe she'll learn from this and not take anyone else's toys anymore.

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