Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Long Night - Rolling and Rolling, Sick

The last couple of nights have been extra, extra long. Julia is rolling from her back to her tummy all the time in her sleep and I end up going to her crib every few minutes to turn her onto her back again. Last night, she was up from 1am-3:47am rolling and rolling, until she got so exhausted and finally konked out. But she woke up in again at 6:30am to start her day.

It seems she does it even more when she is tired, when she is trying to take a nap or go to sleep at night. She wakes after 45 minutes of napping and there is no way for me to get her to sleep again. She's going all over her crib, turning this way and that way. It's cute watching her during the day playing on her belly but it's a nightmare in the evening. I hope this phase will pass by quickly and she'll master this skill very soon.

At the same time, Jasmine seems to have caught a cold from somewhere, possibly from attending Courtney's birthday party on Saturday at McDonalds. McDonalds is Jasmine's favorite restaurant. Anyways, so now Jasmine has a stuffed up nose and slight cough. She's waking up a few times at night screaming as well. Lucky for me, she's upstairs so Richard has to attend to her needs while I take care of Julia's needs downstairs. Life is fair, huh?

1 comment:

Karen said...

That is good and fair. I have to kick Shawn awake when Megan wakes up, otherwise he sleeps right thru it.