Thursday, July 8, 2010

Eating Normal Again

Julia was on a nursing strike for 10 days. And then on Monday, she just decided that she was hungry and wanted to feed. She fed fine all day and since then, it's been pretty regular. I still feed her on demand so there is no schedule of when to eat, when to sleep; I just follow her cues.

The problem I have now is milk supply. Sooo, to increase supply, I pumped and pumped and pumped all day long.

After every feed, I pumped another 15 minutes. After she slept at night, I power pumped twice over 6 hours. To power pump, you pump both breasts at the same time for 15 minutes, then rest for 10 minutes, then pump again for 10 minutes, then rest again for 10 minutes, then pump again for 10 minutes. It takes about an hour to do 1 power pumping session but it works. I did this for 4 days straight, until my breasts hurt and I couldn't do it anymore. On day 5, my milk increased significantly.

I should have known it would take 5 days for more milk to come in, because that is how long it took for my milk to come in after giving birth. I'm a late milk person. Most people get their milk by day 3 or 4.

Things are good now. It was so stressful the past week but it's behind me.


Anonymous said...

Hurray!Julia is feeding normal now.You can catch up your lost sleep.Did Julia lose any weight during these 10 days?So now you can plan activities for your daughters.Even Richard can relax and play with the children,take them to the parks.That's very good news.BNye! Dad

Karen said...

That sounds so painful. Poor mom.