Sunday, June 6, 2010

Fun Rides at the Fair

We went to the summer fair at Champlain community center today where they have rides, food, music and stuff for kids to see and play. I've always believed that Jasmine would be one of those kids who loved going on rides at the fair (because both Richard and I love going on rides at the PNE and Disney World, Disneyland, and Universal Studios).

As soon as Jasmine saw all the rides at the playground, she ran up to the gates with a wide smile, staring at the kids screaming with excitement. There was a bouncy castle, huge slide, train that goes around a track and a spin ride. While Richard chased after her, I walked over to the ticket booth with Julia and bought $10 of tickets (20 tix).

The first one that Jasmine wanted to go on was the bouncy castle. I wasn't too thrilled to use up 4 tix on this because she jumps in this every week at the community center for free. She went in for less than 10 seconds and popped back out. Luckily the ticket man returned our tickets. The next ride was the spin ride. Unfortunately, this ride was too advanced for her (too scary) and after riding around and around for a minute, she burst into tears...screaming. Poor kiddo.

And the next ride, she went on the choo-choo train. It's a boring ride that goes around in a circle, very s-l-o-w-l-y. Funny thing is, Jasmine started screaming after the train started as well! So they took her off the train. And that's the end of the rides. I guess Jasmine just wasn't feeling up to it that day.

With all the tickets we had on hand, we ended up buying hotdogs and ice cream with them instead. Perhaps next year Jasmine and Julia can go on the rides together and it'll be more fun.

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