Saturday, June 19, 2010

4 Months - Julia

It was a bad day today (in Julia's mind) as she had her 4 month check up today. Not only did she have her shots, but because she hasn't pooped in 9 days (Oh my gosh - what would we do if we hadn't pooped in 9 days...) and of course I had to ask the doc about it, the doc had to do something about the pooping situation.

The doc stuck some jelly stuff onto a q-tip and put it into Julia's bumbum. Julia was crying from the pain and there was some blood too. Sad. Good thing is, immediately after this, Julia had a large poop. It was bright orange and goopy, like thick paint.

After about 5 minutes of crying, from the shots and the traumatizing bumbum thing, Julia was back to her happy self. Thank goodness. Here are her stats:

Weight - 14lb 3oz (50 percentile)
Height - 65cm (90 percentile)
Head - 41.5cm (75 percentile)

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