Monday, June 28, 2010

Nursing Strike - Over

After 3 days of not nursing at all, Julia started nursing again this afternoon when we were at a friend's place for a BBQ. She wasn't a happy camper because we were going into her naptime and she was super cranky. Fortunately, I brought our pogy bed with us and set camp for her.

Julia was having a hard time going down for her late nap so I rocked her in my arms and then popped the breast into her mouth. And she took it just like that. Started sucking and drinking. I was happy, I don't know about her. I think she needed some comfort sucking in order to fall asleep and it worked out for both of us.

After that, Julia was willing to nurse again in the afternoon and evening. Finally, the nursing strike is over. So relieved now.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Feeding Only 3 times today - Nursing Strike

Just had a very stressful day today. Julia is on a nursing strike and refusing to feed again. She only breastfed 3 times today from 6am-7pm. She ate at 6am, then at 2pm and then at 6:30pm before sleeping at 7pm. She usually feeds 5 times, sometimes more. I offered her milk several times but she absolutely refused to latch onto the breast. She would scream, arch her back and cry her head off. She would rather suck on her fingers and that's it.

I don't know what is going on. How can she possibly be not hungry after sleeping 6 hours at night and then feeding only 3 times during the day? I know I'd be starving, or even thirsty. Nope, but not Julia. I guess if she is really hungry enough, she would cry to let me know.

Too bad she is waking 3 or 4 times at night to catch up on her calories she missed during the day. This is kelling me. I'm just worried about her weight and growth. I hope she doesn't lose any weight. Sigh, tomorrow is another day.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

4 Months - Julia

It was a bad day today (in Julia's mind) as she had her 4 month check up today. Not only did she have her shots, but because she hasn't pooped in 9 days (Oh my gosh - what would we do if we hadn't pooped in 9 days...) and of course I had to ask the doc about it, the doc had to do something about the pooping situation.

The doc stuck some jelly stuff onto a q-tip and put it into Julia's bumbum. Julia was crying from the pain and there was some blood too. Sad. Good thing is, immediately after this, Julia had a large poop. It was bright orange and goopy, like thick paint.

After about 5 minutes of crying, from the shots and the traumatizing bumbum thing, Julia was back to her happy self. Thank goodness. Here are her stats:

Weight - 14lb 3oz (50 percentile)
Height - 65cm (90 percentile)
Head - 41.5cm (75 percentile)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

No Poop in 7 Days

Today is day 7 without a poop for Julia. When she was a newborn, Julia would poop like 8 times a day (literally after every feeding). Then around 2 months, the frequency went down to once a day. And now, it's once every few days. This is the first time she hasn't pooped in so long. She seems to be acting fine, not fussy or cranky and not straining or anything. Just really stinky air coming out of her though.

Luckily, Julia is turning 4 months soon and we are taking her in to see the doctor this Saturday (she gets shots) so I'll ask the doc about this.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hyundai Dance (video)

Whenever Jasmine sees this video on TV, she does a funny dance with her arms and head. This is the commercial for the new Hyundai car. Too bad we weren't able to catch her doing this with a straight on shot, but I guess a side shot is not too bad. Here it is, don't mind her full mouth:

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Fun Rides at the Fair

We went to the summer fair at Champlain community center today where they have rides, food, music and stuff for kids to see and play. I've always believed that Jasmine would be one of those kids who loved going on rides at the fair (because both Richard and I love going on rides at the PNE and Disney World, Disneyland, and Universal Studios).

As soon as Jasmine saw all the rides at the playground, she ran up to the gates with a wide smile, staring at the kids screaming with excitement. There was a bouncy castle, huge slide, train that goes around a track and a spin ride. While Richard chased after her, I walked over to the ticket booth with Julia and bought $10 of tickets (20 tix).

The first one that Jasmine wanted to go on was the bouncy castle. I wasn't too thrilled to use up 4 tix on this because she jumps in this every week at the community center for free. She went in for less than 10 seconds and popped back out. Luckily the ticket man returned our tickets. The next ride was the spin ride. Unfortunately, this ride was too advanced for her (too scary) and after riding around and around for a minute, she burst into tears...screaming. Poor kiddo.

And the next ride, she went on the choo-choo train. It's a boring ride that goes around in a circle, very s-l-o-w-l-y. Funny thing is, Jasmine started screaming after the train started as well! So they took her off the train. And that's the end of the rides. I guess Jasmine just wasn't feeling up to it that day.

With all the tickets we had on hand, we ended up buying hotdogs and ice cream with them instead. Perhaps next year Jasmine and Julia can go on the rides together and it'll be more fun.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Can you find her?

I was cleaning up the house the other day and saw how many toys were lying around. Our house has so many toys, it's like a playground for kids. I recall when I was pregnant the first time, I told myself that I would only buy new toys on special occasions only...but doesn't look like I kept my word on that.

Here's a small collection that I picked up. Little Julia got mixed in too. Can you find her?