Monday, February 22, 2010

Breastfeeding - Why do we do it?

It's been 3 days since B#2's birth and we are breastfeeding her, just like we did for Jasmine. For some reason, I don't remember it being so hard the first time around. Actually, it's TORTURE! B#2 just can't seem to latch on correctly so it's very painful every time she feeds. It's like a l'il stapler... OUCH. The lanolin cream provides only a slight relief.

To add to the grief, B#2's weight has dropped 10% from her birth weight. Most babies do lose alot of weight after leaving the hospital. That's as low as it can go before we have to supplement though so I really want her to pack on the weight now. Let's hope that I can get her to latch better and drink more milk.


Karen said...

Ohhhh i feel your pain. Have you tried going to the breast feeding clinic to see if they can help?

leungv999 said...

Actually, we went to the breastfeeding clinic just this week and spent some time trying different positions and using a nipple shield.

They said that B2 just has an itty bitty small mouth so that is the reason for the bad latch. But when she is a little older, her latch should get better. They told me not to give up!

Anonymous said...

Vivian,I didn't think breast feeding could be a problem.Babies just suck on the nipple naturally just like the kittens do.What does a man know about breast feeding?So B#2 is sucking better now?I see that she had a big tummy in the bath tub.I most likely will come to see you guys this Sunday.Will let you know later.I like the name Katlin better because it sounded like Chinese name.IS Jasmine very helpful around B#2?Bringing you diapers?See you guys later.