Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 10 - Princess of the Tub

We gave B2 her bath today and pulled out the neat bath seat we used when Jasmine was young. The bath seat allows you to put the baby comfortably in the water and still have your hands free to do whatever you need to do.

B2 looks so comfy in it; she looks like she is sleeping in the water. She is the Princess of the tub! Take a peek (don't mind the towel...Richard wanted her to keep her dignity):

Monday, February 22, 2010

Breastfeeding - Why do we do it?

It's been 3 days since B#2's birth and we are breastfeeding her, just like we did for Jasmine. For some reason, I don't remember it being so hard the first time around. Actually, it's TORTURE! B#2 just can't seem to latch on correctly so it's very painful every time she feeds. It's like a l'il stapler... OUCH. The lanolin cream provides only a slight relief.

To add to the grief, B#2's weight has dropped 10% from her birth weight. Most babies do lose alot of weight after leaving the hospital. That's as low as it can go before we have to supplement though so I really want her to pack on the weight now. Let's hope that I can get her to latch better and drink more milk.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Baby #2 Arrives!!!

Please welcome our second daughter, born on February 2010. She was 7lbs 11 ounces and 20.5 inches long. Currently we are undecided on the name so we'll call her B#2 for now. Please click on the pics to enlarge the photos.

B#2 came in a hurry, as expected though, since Jasmine was born pretty quickly for a first birth. Jasmine took only 2 hours 39 minutes from first contraction to delivery. We barely made it to the hospital. For B#2, she only took 29 minutes from first contraction to delivery! Luckily, I was already at the hospital being monitored (more details later).

This is how it started. On Thursday, I felt like doing some exercise and went on a walk around the neighborhood. I left the house at 11:45am and got home around 1:30pm. Half way through the walk, my pants felt quite damp. It just felt like there was dampness only in the pants but it was strange because I wasn't sweating at all. Anyways, I continued with my walk and when I got home, I went to the bathroom and changed my clothes. As I stood up, I could feel a whoosh of dampness in my pants again. Weird. I just went to the bathroom so I suspected something was not right. I went into my room and changed my pants again and put on a liner. In about 30 minutes, my liner was soaked.

So then I called the hospital and informed what was happening. They told me to go in for monitoring, in case my membranes were ruptured (water breaking). I called Richard at work and told him to come home. We arrived at the hospital at 5pm. I always thought that when your waters broke, you'd like get a pool of liquid, like in the movies. But upon arriving at the hospital, the PH test showed positive that my membranes were ruptured. Sometimes when your waters break, the amniotic fluid leaks out slowly and continuously.

When the nurse told me this, I was wondering to myself, so what next? My waters broke but I've had zero contractions. I wasn't feeling anything at all. I was told that after 12 hours of rupture of membrane, if I still don't have any contractions, I would be induced to prevent infection. Dr. Donna Yee is my regular doctor but she was on vacation this week. Dr. Vivian Paul was her replacement and she had just finished a delivery in the ward. She checked my cervix and told me that I was already 5cm dilated! Boy, am I lucky?

At 5:45pm, I had my first strong contraction. Then the next one was 3 minutes after. The contractions continued getting stronger and stronger. By 6:04pm, I was told I was completed dilated and that I can start pushing. I pushed a few times and all of a sudden, they started shouting "STOP!" I didn't know what was going on. Richard went and took a look, but he didn't tell me anything. Then they told me to push slowly, slowly, s-l-o-w-l-y.

Apparently, B2's arm got in the way. Her arm was bent at the elbow, elbow straight up and hand near her face. The elbow and head came out at the same time, and the hand was stuck around her neck area... so that is when they told me to STOP pushing.

After that panic situation, I pushed only a few times more and B#2 came out! Talk about a speedy delivery. B#2 is very healthy and cried when she was born. I feel like I am the luckiest mother on the earth.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Baby #2 Belly pics

I've just taken my third picture of my belly in this pregnancy. Big difference in the 3 pics, considering they are about 10 weeks apart each (2.5 months apart).

When I was pregnant the first time around, I used to spend hours and hours on the internet, searching for information about the fetus, how it is growing each week, things that I should worry about. I used to take monthly pics of my belly, showing how the baby bump grew slowly. But not this time. For some reason, it always feels like there is no time.

When I was working full-time, by the time we put Jasmine to sleep, it's already 8:30pm. Then we eat dinner, relax a bit before taking a shower and off to bed we go. So we end up getting maybe 3 hours to relax at night? Maybe I'm just using that as an excuse.

Here is a comparison pic of my first pregnancy when I was 36 weeks and now, when I am 38 weeks. See all those stretch marks I have now? So sad. I must be doing something wrong, as I didn't have any stretch marks the first time around. Or maybe my skin is protesting and doesn't want to stretch like that again?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year!

What a fantastic year it is, to have Chinese new year, Valentine's day and the Olympics all happening at the same time. After doing all the traditional cleaning and getting ready for the new year, it's finally here, Feb. 14th. Happy Chinese New Year! And Happy Valentine's Day!

In celebration of this special new year's day, we dressed Jasmine up into her brand new Chinese outfit. We are all wearing something new today.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Olympic Torch Run

For the Olympics held in Vancouver, we were very lucky to have the opportunity to hold the Olympic torch. The previous CEO of Extreme CCTV, Jack Gin, was invited to run the Olympic torch route. Jasmine, Lisa and I went to watch the run on Thurs. Feb. 11th.

Here is a pic of Jack, Jasmine and me with the Olympic torch. Thanks Jack for giving us this fantastic photo opportunity!