Saturday, May 2, 2009

Family Portrait - maybe next time (video)

Last May when Jasmine was just 6 months old, we went to Sears Portrait and took our first formal family photo. This year, I was thinking we can do this on an annual basis, and have a pic as we grow our family.

Unfortunately, after getting all dressed up (Jasmine had 2 pretty dresses) and getting ourselves over to Sears Portrait, our precious Jasmine didn't feel up to it. She was fine before getting into the studio but when we got there, she started whining, crying and climbing on me. Perhaps she was frightened by the flash or the room or maybe the camera lady? Not sure. We stayed there for 45 minutes, trying to calm her down and get her to cooperate, but the pics didn't turn out. We left empty-handed.

Funnily enough, immediately after leaving Sears, Jasmine was as happy as can be. She was smiling, running around in the mall, clapping and dancing. Weird, sigh. Oh well.

We haven't taken any pics of Jasmine lately so I'm uploading a video from March. Back then, we were trying to decide which stroller to buy (and we ended up getting the Chicco Liteway). We bought a bright orange Esprit stroller to try and Jasmine couldn't keep her hands off the wheels. Don't mind the bruise on her head; that was the week when she banged her head:

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