Saturday, May 23, 2009

18 Month Shots

We took Jasmine to get her 18 month shots today. She was fine all the way entering into the doctor's office. As she walked into the private rooms, I think she already knew that she was in for something unpleasant.

We took her clothes off, lay her down on the bed thing and Jasmine automatically started screaming her head off. We hadn't even gotten started yet. The doc checked her body, took her temp, measured her height, weight and size of head then gave her 2 jabs into her thigh. It didn't really matter because Jasmine was already screaming from before. It took about 5 minutes before she calmed down. We gave her a strawberry Baby Mum and she was good to go. Her stats:

- 21.9 lbs (20th percentile)
- 78cm height (25th percentile)
- head is very big

The doc said again this time, "she has a really big head". And she had to measure it twice again. We are watching it, not sure what the reason is though. We also found out that her head soft spot hasn't completely closed yet so we have to be careful...

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