Tuesday, May 26, 2009

UV Hat

At the end of th day, if Jasmine finishes dinner fast enough, we have time to go to the park for a walk. Since it is getting close to summer, I always put a hat on her (hoping it becomes a habit). I am very conscious of the sun and the damaging effects it has on skin.

I bought Jasmine a new purple hat, the size was meant to be a bit bigger so she can grow into it. She hates wearing hats so we end up spending 10 minutes putting the hat on, she takes it off, putting it back on, she takes it off. And on and on it goes until she finally gives up and leaves the hat on. Of course, she picks a fight first before giving up.

On Sunday, we went to the park where she threw rocks on the slide, shoved a pebble into her mouth, then I pryed her mouth open to get it out, where she bit me so hard that her teeth marks were still on my finger after we got home... it was fun. Joy.

When we washed Jasmine's hands at the park, her brand new hat accidentally fell into the sink in the bathroom. That's an automatic wash for the hat (don't know what germs are lurking there). And wouldn't you know it, I forget to hang dry the hat and now the brand new hat is a X-small hat.

Below is a pic of Jasmine in her tiny hat. I guess it gives me an excuse to buy another UPF50+ hat for her.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

18 Month Shots

We took Jasmine to get her 18 month shots today. She was fine all the way entering into the doctor's office. As she walked into the private rooms, I think she already knew that she was in for something unpleasant.

We took her clothes off, lay her down on the bed thing and Jasmine automatically started screaming her head off. We hadn't even gotten started yet. The doc checked her body, took her temp, measured her height, weight and size of head then gave her 2 jabs into her thigh. It didn't really matter because Jasmine was already screaming from before. It took about 5 minutes before she calmed down. We gave her a strawberry Baby Mum and she was good to go. Her stats:

- 21.9 lbs (20th percentile)
- 78cm height (25th percentile)
- head is very big

The doc said again this time, "she has a really big head". And she had to measure it twice again. We are watching it, not sure what the reason is though. We also found out that her head soft spot hasn't completely closed yet so we have to be careful...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Seattle Trip - success

Just arrived home from a driving trip down to Seattle over the long weekend. We basically hit the shopping outlets and Costco in the Lynnwood, Burlington areas. We left for the trip on Saturday morning and waited less than an hour at the border (yay). But unfortunately, the sales this weekend weren't the greatest. Winnie and Richard both didn't buy much which was disappointing. I was eyeing for a UV tent but there was nothing of that sort.

We did pick a quality hotel (Embassy Suites) which included a reception in the evening and made to order breakfast. We missed the reception by about 1 minute so didn't get to try it out but the breakfast was wonderful. Nice variety of items including bacon, sausage, eggs, bread, muffins, fresh fruit, cereal, oatmeal... It was easy to fuel up for the day ahead. Jasmine even sat thru the entire breakfast, which was nice.

Beeps had a first on this trip - a first MOSQUITOE BITE!!! It was on her neck... She scratched it a bit (so the area was red and bumped up) but not too bad. With a small water fountain nearby (as distraction), she didn't seem bothered by it at all. Jasmine enjoyed dipping her hands into the pool water, which of course, Richard immediately wiped her hands with sanitizing wipes right after. The protective Daddy was watching her while Mommy bought another Coach bag.

I finally had a chance to take a picture of Jasmine in her new car seat, the Radian. I'm usually the driver but on this Seattle trip, I'm a passenger. We've been using this car seat for 2 months already and absolutely love it. Jasmine loves climbing into it, standing to look into the front passenger area (like she's sightseeing). I know that she is safe in this car seat so it gives me peace of mind.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Upside Down

Jasmine has been doing some funny exercises lately. She likes to stand upside down on her head (like downward dog in yoga) for fun. Maybe she enjoys the head rush? Maybe she wants to peak thru her legs? Maybe she wants to "moon" us with her butt? I dunno.

And just yesterday, she was standing on her head in the tent, she put both her hands in the air.... Richard tried to capture it but didn't quite catch it. Take a look:

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Mall playground

We went to the Brentwood Mall playground again on the weekend and bumped into Larissa, 2 year old friend. We had fun running around and going on the slides together. Auntie Lynn also helped us take a family pic (click pic to enlarge).

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Family Portrait - maybe next time (video)

Last May when Jasmine was just 6 months old, we went to Sears Portrait and took our first formal family photo. This year, I was thinking we can do this on an annual basis, and have a pic as we grow our family.

Unfortunately, after getting all dressed up (Jasmine had 2 pretty dresses) and getting ourselves over to Sears Portrait, our precious Jasmine didn't feel up to it. She was fine before getting into the studio but when we got there, she started whining, crying and climbing on me. Perhaps she was frightened by the flash or the room or maybe the camera lady? Not sure. We stayed there for 45 minutes, trying to calm her down and get her to cooperate, but the pics didn't turn out. We left empty-handed.

Funnily enough, immediately after leaving Sears, Jasmine was as happy as can be. She was smiling, running around in the mall, clapping and dancing. Weird, sigh. Oh well.

We haven't taken any pics of Jasmine lately so I'm uploading a video from March. Back then, we were trying to decide which stroller to buy (and we ended up getting the Chicco Liteway). We bought a bright orange Esprit stroller to try and Jasmine couldn't keep her hands off the wheels. Don't mind the bruise on her head; that was the week when she banged her head: