Wednesday, April 15, 2009

High Fever

It was a long night last night. Jasmine got sick and had a high fever; she didn't sleep at all until 5:30am this morning.

At midnight, Jasmine woke up screaming so Richard and I jumped out of bed; she had a high fever of 39.8 C. Freaked me out, as I didn't know whether to take her to the Children's emergency or not. While I was scrambling around with screaming Jasmine in my arms, I grabbed a towel and wet it. Then I started patting Jasmine's head and neck, in the hopes of lowering her fever. Jasmine would not drink any liquids (offered water, milk and juice) and she would not take any Baby Tylenol.

She did seem to calm down a bit though, probably because she had company or perhaps because I was carrying her while I walked? Not sure.

It took a good 2 hours before Jasmine's temperature went down to almost normal. By then, all the crying has made her sleepy so we put her to bed. We managed to give her a bit of Baby Tylenol (we just squirted it towards her mouth) but not sure what amount she actually swallowed.

It was already past 2am when I went to bed. Then 60 minutes later, Jasmine woke up screaming again. So I got up and checked her temperature. This time, 38.6 C. Not as bad as before but we still needed to get the temp down. So, we cold-toweled some more. This time, it took only 30 minutes before Jasmine calmed down and was ready to sleep. I went back to bed at 3:45am.

Unfortunately, Jasmine awoke one more time that night, at 4:45am. Had to cold-towel her another 30 minutes and then put her back to bed again. At that time, it was 5:15am. Luckily, when she woke up the next time, I already left for work.

When I got home from work, my Father-in-law told me that Jasmine practically slept through the entire day. She woke up at 8:30am, drank 4oz of milk and then went back to sleep until 12pm. Then she got up, ate lunch and played for a bit and went back to sleep at 2pm, for a 3 hour nap. She woke up when I got home!

I'm guessing she's trying to catch up on the sleep she missed the night before.

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