Sunday, April 5, 2009

Biting Fingers

Something hilarious happened (well, I thought it was funny), so I gotta note it here.

Jasmine is drooling like mad again and she's biting into everything and anything. The latest target has been people's fingers. I usually get knawed at when I brush Jasmine's teeth each night (and Richard giggles at that). But just tonight, the three of us were sitting on the couch in the living room when suddenly, Richard started screaming and then immediately after, Beeps starting crying. What the ???

As it turns out, Jasmine had grabbed Richard's hand and took a juicy bite into it (you know that area where there is a nice chunck of meat between the palm and the thumb). So Richard screamed from the pain, and Jasmine cried because he had scared her with the scream. And me? I just started laughing after I realized what was going on. I guess I get the last laugh....hahahhahaha.

1 comment:

Karen said...

That is hilarious!
Don't you love it when they get teeth.
Megan has got two now. I'm just waiting to get bitten!