Monday, April 27, 2009

Swimming - Killarney Pool

We went swimming on Sunday at the Killarney Pool. It is Jasmine's 2nd time swimming I think, maybe 3rd time. Wrency, Rick and Adyson came along with us as well.

Jasmine loved it. When we were changing her into her swim suit, you can feel her excitement (of not knowing what is going on) and her curiosity, seeing everyone around her stripping down to almost nothing. When we got into the water, she shivered a bit as the water was cool but not too cold. But she quickly got used to it and started splashing around happily. There were times when Jasmine really did look like she was swimming, as she was doing the froggy style arms (with me balancing her body of course).

After only 60 minutes, we had to leave since Adyson and Jasmine were tired and hungry. I wish we brought our camera with us; would have loved to capture Adyson with her mouth full of star puffs on camera. All in all, a fantastic afternoon.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

8th Tooth

Jasmine is growing her 8th tooth now. She has 4 on top and almost 4 on the bottom. I'm so glad that these baby teeth will eventually fall out, because her bottom ones are pretty crooked. They basically take on the shape of the letter "M". Horrible. Luckily when you look at Jasmine, you can only see her 4 top large teeth. Poor Beeps, took on Mommy's genes for teeth...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Beginning of Tantrums

My patience was being tested today. I hate to say this, but Jasmine has learned that she can get what she wants by throwing tantrums. With so many adults around, there is bound to be someone who wants to pick her up when she cries. I lost count after 5 crying sessions.

If Jasmine wanted something, she would point to it and make a "unnn" sound. If you don't go get it or do it whatever it is she wants (pick her up), then she would arch her back and start crying. The crying sessions can last for a good 10 minutes (usually less).

Problem with handling these situations is that I really don't know if she is throwing a tantrum or not. She could be sleepy or hungry or dirty diaper. I still have to GUESS at what she wants. I'm looking forward to when Jasmine can speak to us about her wishes.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

High Fever

It was a long night last night. Jasmine got sick and had a high fever; she didn't sleep at all until 5:30am this morning.

At midnight, Jasmine woke up screaming so Richard and I jumped out of bed; she had a high fever of 39.8 C. Freaked me out, as I didn't know whether to take her to the Children's emergency or not. While I was scrambling around with screaming Jasmine in my arms, I grabbed a towel and wet it. Then I started patting Jasmine's head and neck, in the hopes of lowering her fever. Jasmine would not drink any liquids (offered water, milk and juice) and she would not take any Baby Tylenol.

She did seem to calm down a bit though, probably because she had company or perhaps because I was carrying her while I walked? Not sure.

It took a good 2 hours before Jasmine's temperature went down to almost normal. By then, all the crying has made her sleepy so we put her to bed. We managed to give her a bit of Baby Tylenol (we just squirted it towards her mouth) but not sure what amount she actually swallowed.

It was already past 2am when I went to bed. Then 60 minutes later, Jasmine woke up screaming again. So I got up and checked her temperature. This time, 38.6 C. Not as bad as before but we still needed to get the temp down. So, we cold-toweled some more. This time, it took only 30 minutes before Jasmine calmed down and was ready to sleep. I went back to bed at 3:45am.

Unfortunately, Jasmine awoke one more time that night, at 4:45am. Had to cold-towel her another 30 minutes and then put her back to bed again. At that time, it was 5:15am. Luckily, when she woke up the next time, I already left for work.

When I got home from work, my Father-in-law told me that Jasmine practically slept through the entire day. She woke up at 8:30am, drank 4oz of milk and then went back to sleep until 12pm. Then she got up, ate lunch and played for a bit and went back to sleep at 2pm, for a 3 hour nap. She woke up when I got home!

I'm guessing she's trying to catch up on the sleep she missed the night before.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Ferry via Foot Passenger

WE DID IT! We actually travelled without our car for the first time with Jasmine to Victoria. We went via foot passenger.

We managed to carry the Radian car seat, the stroller, all of our luggage and Jasmine with us. This was our trial run, to see if it could actually be done. It was tough to keep everything together but it worked. Thanks to our little dolly thing (carries the luggage you can pile on top of it) and it can carry a weight of 100 lbs. Pretty nifty.

Thanks Win for taking care of us again.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Beacon Hill Park - Victoria

This past long weekend, we went over to Victoria to visit the Leung family. We went over on Easter Friday and the weather was pretty yucky but luckily, on the Saturday, the weather was terrific. Nice and warm. We took the opportunity to head over to Beacon Hill Park and pet some animals at the zoo.

As you can tell from the pictures, Jasmine was enjoying her time in the zoo, petting the goats. Actually, she liked playing with saw chips more than the animals themselves!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Chicco Stroller

After a lot of thought and viewing the strollers again and again and again, we finally bought the Chicco Liteway stroller. It has all the features that I want and with the sale, we got an awesome deal! The factor that made up our mind? The color - electric blue.

So far, it's held up well and we've spotted a few people eyeing our stroller. Then again, I eye other people's stroller too. We'll see how good it is after our trip to Victoria.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Biting Fingers

Something hilarious happened (well, I thought it was funny), so I gotta note it here.

Jasmine is drooling like mad again and she's biting into everything and anything. The latest target has been people's fingers. I usually get knawed at when I brush Jasmine's teeth each night (and Richard giggles at that). But just tonight, the three of us were sitting on the couch in the living room when suddenly, Richard started screaming and then immediately after, Beeps starting crying. What the ???

As it turns out, Jasmine had grabbed Richard's hand and took a juicy bite into it (you know that area where there is a nice chunck of meat between the palm and the thumb). So Richard screamed from the pain, and Jasmine cried because he had scared her with the scream. And me? I just started laughing after I realized what was going on. I guess I get the last laugh....hahahhahaha.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Indoor Fun - Brentwood Mall

There is an indoor play area for kids at Brentwood Mall. Apparently it is very popular so if you decide to go, you should go in the morning (which is what we did). We take Jasmine there once in a while so she can play and blow off some energy. Jasmine loves it here.

Here, Jasmine was peering out the window at the top of the treehouse, which has a slide:

She's crawling through an "O" shaped thing:

Jasmine is getting tired out, after 30 minutes of fun (treehouse slide in background):

Friday, April 3, 2009

Bonked...yet again

Poor beeps, I just found out that she fell and hit her head again. I got home from work today and Jasmine had a small bump on her head. My FIL told me that she tripped and fell in the kitchen/living room area. We have a wooden separator thing on the floor between the kitchen (tile) and living room (laminate flooring). Good thing the bump on Jasmine's head is a small one (which means she didn't hit her head too bad). Jasmine didn't seem bothered by it at all.

We are heading back to Victoria next weekend; hopefully the bump will have fully healed by then.