Friday, February 20, 2009

Splashing so much

Ever since Jasmine was a baby, we would bathe her in the kitchen, on the table. For each bath, we would gather everything (foamy mat, towel, clothes, diaper, cream and toys). She loves taking a bath, it's something she looks forward to every evening.

From Jasmine: Yep, Mommy knows me so well. I love taking a bath. I wish that I could stay in there forever and ever. Just recently, I learned that water flies EVERYWHERE when I pat my hand in the water. It is so fun. And when the water flies, Daddy scrambles around like mad, trying to wipe stuff off the floor. I really don't know what he is doing but I don't care. Pat, pat, pat, pat.

Yesterday, Mommy told me that I am a big girl now so I get to bathe in the big girl tub. Mommy and Daddy lets me pat the water as much as I like. Look at me now...


Shillion Leung said...

Vivian,Richard,Jasmine,it's good to see Lasmine in the bathtub.She certainly loves the water.It's probably better to have the new teeth slowly so the teething effects won't be so drastic and causing her to feel really uncomfortable.So now you have to make sure she doesa not grab your cell phones,lio sticks,keys,nail polish and chew them up.Also make sure she does not unlock the front door and escape to the outside worls.Take care! Dad

leungv999 said...

Smile, hahahha. I don't think Jasmine can unlock the door and leave the house just yet. But it sure intrigues my imagination though. By the way, her 6th tooth is on its way!