Wednesday, February 11, 2009

BONK - oh my head...

I wonder how often babies and toddlers fall and hit their heads. I know they always trip and they always fall. That's a normal part of growing up I guess. Actually, I wonder alot...

Jasmine had a rough day a couple of days ago, when Grandpa brought her out for a walk. They went to the corner grocery store to buy some fruits and veggies. Beeps likes playing with the cans on the shelves at the store: she picks up the cans, moves them around, picks at the labels... She can stand next to the shelf for 30 minutes if we let her (she did that last time at Walmart). Anyways, when they got home, Grandpa let her down on the ground so that he could unlock the door. And that's when it happened. She was standing one second, and the next second, she was lying on the ground screaming. Poor Jasmine, her head was bruised and had an egg on it. Well, this was only what I heard, since I wasn't at home when it happened.

Jasmine's head is looking much better today. But unfortunately, it happened again today. Richard and I were in the living room. Richard was sitting on the couch, I was sitting on the carpet and Jasmine was walking around on the carpet. One second, Beeps was carrying a ball in her hand and walking around, the next second, she was lying on the ground crying. Both Richard and I were shocked, because we were both there and neither of us saw what happened. I assume she tripped over her own legs so she fell.

Double unfortunately... she landed on the same spot on her head... so that egg she had on her head, came back up again. This time, it looked much worse. POOR JASMINE. See for yourself:

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