Sunday, December 28, 2008

Jasmine's First Steps (video)

Jasmine woke up super early this morning, at 5:45am. Yawn, wished that she'd stay in bed and sleep in sometimes. I guess she had a feeling that she will be accomplishing a tremendous task today so she wanted to get up early.

Well after eating breakfast, Jasmine wanted to do her rounds and walk around in the basement. She was holding onto my left finger (as usual) and then suddenly, she let go. And then she walked 5 steps right up to the wall. Wow, I was thinking to myself, that's gotta be a fluke. So I picked her up and walked back into the living room area and then started to walk her again. She did it again. Another 5 steps.

I guess that's it. She's started walking now. And all throughout today, she was walking here and there on her own. I was following closely behind her in case she lost her balance and fell over (which did happen). She's taken probably over 100 steps today, walking all over the house, from the living room to the kitchen and from my room to her room.

Check out the video of Jasmine's first steps:

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas in Victoria 2008

Richard, Jasmine and I went over to Victoria for 4 days, to visit my parents over Christmas. We spent Dec. 24-27th in Victoria, spending time with family.

Initially, it felt like it was going to be a difficult trip, seeing that the snow poured all night long and there was several inches of fresh snow on the road. It took us 45 minutes of digging to get the car out onto the main street but we managed to get to the ferry terminals without further trouble.

Once in Victoria, the weather was much milder as there was hardly any snow at all. Lisa brought little Momo along (her doggy) and Jasmine was just ecstatic. You would have thought that she has never seen a dog in her life. Jasmine practically chased Momo around the living room and kitchen. Momo was running around the couch and Jasmine following behind. It was a funny sight.

All in all, a wonderful trip with family.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Is she going to be a Dentist?

I've always wondered...when parents have kids, what do they want the kids to be when they grow up? I'm thinking that right now, about Jasmine. Hmmmmmm.

About a month ago, I was just fooling around and decided to play a game we have in Chinese. It's where you spread out a bunch of items on a table that represents different professions. And then you let the baby choose what he or she wants. The first item she picks up will represent what profession she will be in the future.

For Jasmine, I picked the following items (from right to left):

- crayons (artist)
- medicine (doctor)
- pen (writer)
- USB (computer geek)
- toothbrush (dentist)
- guitar (musician)
- chopstick (chef)
- MJ tile (gambler)

And I let Jasmine pick. She picked the toothbrush!!! Looks like we got a dentist in the family.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Adyson's 1st Birthday Party

We celebrated little Adyson's birthday this past weekend. I call her little because she is exactly 3 weeks younger than me. But she's not that little actually; I think she is bigger in size than me and weighs more than me. Adyson also has 5 teeth, and I only have 4. When will my other teeth come in? I am drooling alot every day.

We had lots of fun at Adyson's place. She's got a nice table and drawers where she puts all of her toys. I met alot of friends there. Mommy and Daddy even let me eat some cake! And then afterwards, we climbed up the entire case of stairs... we had a great time. Happy Birthday Adyson!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Pics of the Party

Sorry it took so long; took me a while to go through all the photos. Here are the pics from Jasmine's birthday party. If you click on them, they will enlarge.

1) Our living room
2) Winnie and Jasmine:

3) Courtney, Jasmine and Megan (in background)
4) Courtney and Aria (in background)

5) Gerri and Jasmine
6) Aria and Winnie (in background)

7) Lisa and Jasmine
8) Lisa, Jasmine, and Vivian

9) Jasmine showing off toy
10) Karen, Shawn and Megan

11) Emily, Ty and Thang (in background)
12) Jasmine stealing Ty's toy

13) Rick and Adyson
14) Rick, Wrency, Adyson and Courtney

15 and 16) Jasmine, Courtney and Adyson (aren't they cute?)

17) Tom, Courtney and Anna
18) Jasmine and Vivian

19) Vivian, Jasmine and Richard
20) Birthday cupcakes

Ok, I have like 30 pics of this and none of them turned out. So I picked the one where you can see everyone's head. NOTE - BABIES DO NOT LIKE BIRTHDAY HATS!!!

21) Nina and Aria, Anna and Courtney, Emily and Ty, Vivian and Jasmine, Rick and Adyson, Karen and Megan
22) Cory and Jasmine

23 and 24) Vivian and Jasmine

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Drinking with Cup

Because Jasmine is teething pretty badly, she will not drink from a bottle anymore. She will let me put the bottle into her mouth but she won't suck. Being a worried Mom and all, I tried putting the milk into a normal cup and letter her take small sips from it. And guess what? She likes drinking milk this way!

Mind you, only half of the milk gets into her body but it's better than nothing. Here is Jasmine demonstrating how to use a cup:

Friday, December 5, 2008

Need More Bibs

Jasmine is teething and teething, and drooling and drooling. Seems like she is stuck in the teething mode. I just bought 16 new bibs for her, in the hopes of getting rid of that cheek rash she has. It's just amazing how much she drools.

She's also especially cranky these few days. When Jasmine went to get her 1 year shots, the doc did mention that between day 5-13 after her shots, she will experience some flu-like symptoms. Well, she certainly got those symptoms. She's not sleeping or eating well. We'll just have to wait it out I guess.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Waking Early Morning

For the past 2 nights, Jasmine has been waking up early morning (4:45am). She drinks an entire bottle of milk and then goes back to sleep until 7am. I guess she's hungry so she wakes up but that's a little too early for my liking. I have to get her to eat more during the day.

I still remember when Jasmine I first introduced solid foods and she absolutely refused eating it. That was around 8 months. And then she started liking solid foods and refused milk. I think that was around 9 months. And now, she is starting to refuse solid foods again and drinking milk only. What is going on here?

When Jasmine liked solids, she would gobble up the puree really quickly. And then it took longer, about 30 minutes. Now, it takes an hour to get Jasmine to eat a small bowl of puree (4oz). The last few days, she can't even finish the bowl (I give her 45 minutes time limit). She won't even eat the Gerber puffs anymore which she loves. Hopefully it's just a phase.