Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sleep??? Me or Jasmine?

So, it seems Jasmine slept through the night for the first time last night. She slept from 1:30am to 6:45am straight, without a feeding. Hoorah!!! I thought this was a good start for a new day... Can't wait to go back to bed.

Unfortunately, I hear screaming at 8:30am to feed, then again at 10:30 and again at 12:30pm. And that was only the morning. She is regularly feeding in 3-hour intervals. I can only assume she is catching up on her feedings from the night before or she is on another growth spurt.

Jasmine does not have a sleeping schedule yet even though she is 7 weeks and 4 days old. I am hoping to implement something by the 2nd month (Jan. 21) but have yet to find a consistent pattern in her daily routine. She is either sleeping fitfully or screaming at the top of her lungs for attention. The afternoon sounds like this:

- nap at 1:30pm, wake up at 2:15pm
- nap again at 2:45pm, wake at 3:15pm
- nap again at 3:30pm, wake at 4pm
- nap again at 4:30pm, wake at 5:30pm

Why can't she stay asleep? She's napping on her blankie one minute and then she's up the next. I wonder if all babies do this...

At the least she finally noticed her mobile today. We've had that mobile since she was born but she never looked at it. It kept her occupied for 10 minutes without screaming. I actually sat on the couch in the room, waiting for her to yell. But after 5 minutes and she didn't scream, I left the room to get a drink. Then another 5 minutes went by and still no scream. AMAZING!

After an afternoon of this, I desparately needed a break. Luckly Richard comes to the rescue and takes the screaming baby out of my arms (good, now I can pull down my shirt too). Richard is really good with Jasmine (either that, or Jasmine likes having daddy around). Within minutes, Jasmine is asleep on Richard's chest. Is she Daddy's girl?

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