Monday, January 21, 2008

2 Month Shots

Jasmine is 2 months old today and was smiling in the morning. We bought a cute little dress for her to dress in but wanted to wait until the evening to do it (and take pics). Here she is in the morning playing with Elmo.

We took her in for a doctor's check up and to have her shots done. There were 4 needles in total. While the doc jabbed 4 needles into Jasmine's thigh, Richard had to pin her legs down so she doesn't move....poor girl. Funnily enough, Jasmine cried when the needles were in but she didn't cry that much afterwards. She seemed to forget about it after 2 minutes and fell asleep.

However, once we got home, she cried for hours, on and off. I guess each time she moved her legs, it hurt so she cried. She even had trouble feeding because each time she moved, she cried. We are carrying her and rocking constantly to try to make things feel better. Wish I could take all those tears away.

Hopefully the pain will subside soon. We have children's cherry flavored Tylenol ready in case she needs it tonight (for fever).

PS - she weighs 10.5 lbs now.

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