Sunday, January 27, 2008

Not Breathing

Ok, I'm posting this into historical Blog; so that I keep a log of what happened today.

Jasmine's eczema is pretty bad and the doctor prescribed some medicine for her, to be taken orally. It's just 1ml of fluid to be placed into her mouth to swallow. Every time I put liquid into her mouth, it would dribble out. She doesn't drink any of it at all. How frustrating.

So I put the dropper into her mouth (dribble out) several times in the hopes that she will swallow some. Then I leaned her back a bit and put a dropper of the medicine into her mouth.... and-she-started-choking. She coughed a bit, then stopped, and then she stopped breathing. Oh My God... what to do, what to do? I freaked out. There was no one at home except me and Richard's parents. Richard was out with friends.

I turned Jasmine around, upside down (head down, legs up) and patted her back furiously. Nothing. I turned her right side up, and patted her back. Nothing. She still wasn't breathing. I think about 30 seconds have passed and Jasmine was still not breathing. I picked up the phone and dialed 9-1-1.

The operator was really good. She took down my info and dispatched the ambulance. She then told me to place Jasmine on the ground flat, try to find what is in her throat (which of course was fluid). She told me to tilt her head back to see if her airway is clear. Just as I did that, Jasmine started coughing again so I picked her up and patted her back hard. Alot of fluid came out and Jasmine started crying loudly.

THANK-GOD, I am so happy! I was worried sick in those few minutes. Even though Jasmine had only been around for 2 months of my life, I couldn't imagine her not being in my life. I would have been devastated if anything happened to her. I love Jasmine with my entire heart and I will protect her for as long as I can.

(Note - Within 3 minutes, there were 2 ambulances and a fire truck in front of my house. They have a special unit especially for infants). I was quite impressed with the fast reaction time of the 911 crew. It was well worth the $50 I had to pay.

I will always remember what had happened. I am still shocked. Just from 1ml of fluid, Jasmine could stop breathing.

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