Saturday, October 8, 2016

No" to Naps! So Sick.

Daidai falls asleep really late each night even though we put him into bed before 10pm.  Sometimes, he's still playing in his crib at midnight!  That makes a very tired Mommy considering I usually get out of bed by 6:15am.

So this weekend, we experimented with skipping the afternoon nap to see if it'll make him sleep earlier.  Unfortunately, Daidai is sick also (puking, coughing, runny nose) so it wasn't a good combo.  He woke up several times each night due to stomach cramps and throwing up but at least he is falling asleep earlier at night.

Update on Wednesday:  We kept at it, no daily naps.  With his cold slowly getting better, Daidai is falling asleep at 10pm.  Yay!  Let's hope this continues.

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