Wednesday, June 10, 2015

LA Trip - San Diego Sea World

We visited the San Deigo Sea World today (June 2), for a change of pace.  We woke up super late, had breakfast and slowly made our way down to San Diego, a good 2 hour drive.  Our GPS kept on taking us onto the toll highways so we wasted a bit of time navigating to non-toll highways.  By the time we got to San Diego, it was already 2pm...oops. Probably should have left earlier to make better use of our time.

This park had lots of animal type stuff to see and was more intimate in terms of size.  The park wasn't busy so we practically walked onto all the attractions.  We were able to "pet" cleaner fish, bamboo sharks and bat rays in the hands-on tide pools.

Funny story - Muimui was walking past the flamingo area.  She was walking very slowly.  Richard told her that if she doesn't walk faster, the flamingo will poop on her.  Her response:  flamingos can't fly so that won't happen.  And next thing you know, a bird flies by and poops on her right hand...

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