Thursday, May 1, 2014

Sleep Feed Schedule at 8 months

Josh has been sleeping through the night for quite some time now.  I've been writing down his wake times, feed times, sleep times, when and how long, to get a feel of his daily schedule.  It kinda looks like this:

7am - wake
7:15am - 4oz milk
8:45am - 4oz milk
9am - nap (30mins to 1 hour)
10am - wake
11:15am - solids
12:30pm - 7oz milk
1pm - nap (45mins to 1.5 hours)
2:30-ish - wake
4:30pm - 7oz milk
5pm - nap (30mins to 1 hour)
6pm - wake
7pm - solids
7:45pm - bath
8pm - 8oz milk
9pm - sleep

The schedule is never consistent because I never know how long Josh's naps are but we sort of have a routine going. I find that his naps usually add up to about 2.5 hours each day.  So if he has a long nap in the morning and in the afternoon, then the 5pm nap will be short.  If he has a short morning nap and short afternoon nap, then his 5pm nap will be longer.  He is sleeping a good 10 hours each night now... thank goodness.

As for solid foods, he's not eating much at all.  If we can get him to finish 1 tablespoon (15ml) of each oatmeal and fruit/veggie, then we are doing great.  But most days, he'll eat half of what we give him.  I'm not worried though, as he's taking in more than 25oz of breastmilk each day.  I can see him losing his fatty meat now since he's growing taller.  

I've started reading the book Baby Led Weaning and will try to start feeding him finger foods soon.  We'll see how that goes.  

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