Tuesday, December 3, 2013

New Sleep Time - 2am!

Why, why, why is he not sleeping?

For the past few nights, Josh has been sleeping extra late.  Really late.  Like 2am late.  From 9pm to 2am are his witching hours it seems.  No matter what we try, he's an unhappy fellow.  Crying, whining, rubbing eyes.  We feed him, burp him, change him, cuddle him, carry him, rock him...

He was sleeping around 11pm for a while which was a huge improvement compared to when he was first born (then was 4am).  But it's back to this again.  I try to keep him up awhile during the day and put him into bed when he shows me the sleepy cues, usually 1 hour and 15 minutes after he wakes. His daily schedule looks kinda like this:

5:30am - 4oz milk and goes back to sleep
9am - wake
9:15am - 4oz milk
10:15am - nap (2 hours)
12:15pm - wake
12:30pm - 4oz milk
1:30pm - nap (2 hours)
3:30pm - wake
3:45pm - 4oz milk
5pm - nap 

After this, it gets tricky.  In the evening, it's all over the place, no schedule.  We haven't had a good night - EVER. Sometimes he takes a 30 minute nap and sometimes he sleeps for 2 hours.  I actually don't know if I should wake him up after an hour, as he becomes Mr. Cranky pants. 

I find that he cluster feeds at night though, drinking 3 x 4oz bottles of breastmilk in 6 hours and he usually intakes around 27oz total each day.  So tiring.  Oh Mr. Josh, please will you sleep better soon?

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