Saturday, November 23, 2013

Samantha's 1st Bday Party

We were invited to Samantha`s first birthday party in Richmond.  We haven`t seen Samantha since she was a wee baby.  She`s grown so much.  She is crawling and can walk if you hold her hand now. 

We were too busy playing with the big kid toys that we didn`t get a picture with Samantha... oops.  We had a super fun time.  Thanks for having us! 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Jasmine - Another Birthday

It is Jas' birthday today but we didn`t host a party this year.  There`s just too much going on, especially with a new baby.  Jas did celebrate at school though so we made cupcakes with a Mario theme.  Yoshi is the new favorite!  
Because we only found out about Yoshi last week, we could only find a small Yoshi plush doll and some t-shirts for her.  I also managed to find free Mario birthday things on the net including cupcake topper and chocolate wrappers so I think we pulled it off.  What do you think? 

Just after we cut the cake, little Josh wanted attention all to himself so I had to hide in the bedroom with him... for the next 2 hours!  My ice cream cake looked like this before someone remembered me...  boo. (still edible though!)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

New Friends - William and Leah

After sleeping and eating for 3 months, Josh is finally well rested enough to meet some new friends.  This week, he met William and Leah for play dates.  In this pic, Josh and William are lounging on the couch, like old friends already.    

Here, Leah and Josh are chilling on the tummy mat.  She couldn't keep her hands off him...  kept poking him in the ear and eyes...  LOL.  The kiddies are at such a cute age.  Hoping we can get together to play again soon.

3 Months - Josh

Joshua turns 3 months today.  There is no doctor's appointment until the 4th month so we'll have to wait another month for official stats.  But we did weigh him on our home scale and he's around 17lbs... big boy! 

Josh is starting to smile much more and he's learned how to bat at the hanging toys.  He absolutely hates tummy time but we put him down for 10 minutes every few hours anyways.  Here he is modeling on the tummy mat.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

7 Hours Straight!

Over the past week, Josh has been sleeping better at night - sometimes up to 5 hours straight.  But just last night, he slept from 12:30-7:30am!  7 hours!  We've waiting for this to happen. 

I remember Julia first did a 7-hour sleep when she was 10 weeks old.  Josh is 11 weeks+5 days now so he's not that far behind.  Let's hope this continues. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

No More Birdies Please

As we all know, Jas loves the Angry Birds.  She draws them, sleeps with them, carries the dolls and figures around.  But today, as I prepped her new top bunk bed with Angry Bird sheets, she suddenly said, "I don't like Angry Birds anymore.  Can you return it?"

I'm thinking, holy mollies!  She doesn't like Angry Birds?  Over the past few months, I've purchased several Angry Bird items for her birthday surprise.  We have Angry Bird bedding, blanket, back pack, light-up shoes, clothes.  And now I have to return EVERYTHING???  Luckily, we were able to return most of the items (except the bedding and blanket since they've been washed).

Here are a couple of pics with Jas saying goodbye to the Angry Birds.  She doesn't want to have anything to do with them anymore.  I'm now on the hunt for her new love:  Yoshi!   with her birthday coming up in 6 days...

Nice thing is little Julia still seems interested in the birdies.  She's shown here pretending she is the yellow bird.