Friday, September 20, 2013

First Month - Josh

Wow, has it been a month already?  Time sure goes by fast.  There is no doctor's appointment this month so I weighed Josh at the community clinic.  He's now a whopping 11 pounds 8oz!  Of course, it's due to his huge eating habit (every 2 hours) and sleeping all the time.  Too bad, he doesn't sleep at night, only during the day.  He's a night owl, going to bed only at 2 or 3 am each night. 

Working at changing his night and day mix-up and putting him onto a schedule in the next few weeks.  I'll let him lead for a little while longer.  You rule my life right now bb! 

Great thing we noticed about Josh is that he doesn't have any skin issues so far (cross our fingers) like the girls had.  He did get mild baby acne at 3 weeks but it's already clearing up and also a diaper rash but that's gone now too.  Phewf.

Proud grandparents and sister (Jas was in school):

1 comment:

Karen said...

Boys are so different.
I noticed that with B, he ate so much more compared to M, and so started sleeping longer way earlier than M. M didn't sleep through till almost 2 years.