Monday, September 30, 2013

Josh's First Smile

I picked up Josh to feed him this morning and out of nowhere, he suddenly flashed a BIG HUGE smile at me.  That's the first time he did this.  I ran into the kitchen to grab the camera to see if I could capture this special moment, and this is the best pic I could get. 

Not much of a smiley photo but I will always remember that sweet moment.  Can't to see all the other "first" moments in his first year in life.  Mommy loves you!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

What Kind of Tummy Time is This?

I love playing with Daddy.  He always gives me so many toys to play with...   Is this how tummy time is supposed to be?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Growth Spurt - Freezer Stash

Just had a tough week, feeding Josh every couple of hours.  He's eating like crazy.  Looks like he had a growth spurt?  We had him on a 3-hour schedule initially.  He was drinking around 36oz a day for a few days (9 bottles).  But this week, he's drinking only 25oz? 

Great news in terms of starting a freezer stash though.  I was so worried when I first started pumping that I wouldn't have enough.  Never too early to start.

Friday, September 20, 2013

First Month - Josh

Wow, has it been a month already?  Time sure goes by fast.  There is no doctor's appointment this month so I weighed Josh at the community clinic.  He's now a whopping 11 pounds 8oz!  Of course, it's due to his huge eating habit (every 2 hours) and sleeping all the time.  Too bad, he doesn't sleep at night, only during the day.  He's a night owl, going to bed only at 2 or 3 am each night. 

Working at changing his night and day mix-up and putting him onto a schedule in the next few weeks.  I'll let him lead for a little while longer.  You rule my life right now bb! 

Great thing we noticed about Josh is that he doesn't have any skin issues so far (cross our fingers) like the girls had.  He did get mild baby acne at 3 weeks but it's already clearing up and also a diaper rash but that's gone now too.  Phewf.

Proud grandparents and sister (Jas was in school):

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Pregnant Again?

Over the past few weeks, people have come up to ask me... "when are you due?"  This happened 3 times.  Once at TD bank, then one of Rich's relatives asked and an acquaintance I bumped into on the street asked. 

Hard to believe, but I'm not pregnant anymore!  I better start working off all those extra pounds.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Exclusively Pumping - Bottle Feeding

We are still working at breastfeeding, going in and out of the breast feeding clinic, pumping and bottle feeding milk. It seems it's just not meant to be.  Josh can't latch and has a weak suck.  The routine takes about an hour and 15 minutes every 2 hours and we do this 24 hours a day.  So tiring.  Because of this, we've decided to bottle feed breast milk instead.  Josh doesn't mind and seems much calmer and happier too.

I already miss the close feeling of having him on my chest but watching him grow is more important.  We took a pic of him successfully latching.

I've been tracking the amount of milk I'm pumping, as I don't want to use formula.  These are the daily amounts for the weeks post partum:

1 week pp - 12oz
2 weeks pp - 20oz
4 weeks pp - 34oz

Currently, Joshua is drinking around 32oz each day (piggy!) so I'm making just enough.  Hoping I will keep up with his intake.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Noah's Bday party

A birthday party on a weeknight?  Really?  Can we have one every school night?  That's what the girls were probably thinking. 

We celebrated Noah's 6th birthday today at Go Banana's in North Vancouver.  The kids were so excited to know that they get to play during dinner time.  Unfortunately, Mommy could not leave the house so Daddy took the girls to the party... and did not take any nice pics.  We'll do a better job next time.  Thanks Noah for a great time.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

First Day of School - Julia

It's Julia's official first day of school this week.  She's in preschool.  Yay! 

There are 2 pics, because even though it's the official first day this week, Jules actually went to summer camp at the Killarney Community Center, which is where the preschool is.  So it's not "new" to her per se.  The teacher already knows her by name.  She's a big girl now.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Bath Time - Joshua

Joshua has finally started enjoying his bath time at night.  The first few times, he would scream through the entire bath...  which made us end it as soon as possible.  Usually, just as we pull him out of the water and into a towel, he would spray us telling us his unhappiness.

Today though, he was pretty calm.  And no, he didn't spray us this time.  I think he actually likes it now.  Good boy, Joshy!