Tuesday, August 27, 2013

First Week at Home

On the home front, after the first week of bringing Joshua home, it seems everyone has adjusted well to the new baby... except for zombie Mommy who hasn't had more than 2 hours of sleep each night.  Both Jas and Julia love spending time with little brother, touching his hands and feet all the time and wanting to see him every chance they get.  Look how happy the girls are. 
On the feeding front, Joshua hasn't been breast feeding well at all. Actually, he hasn't latched on properly since his birth so he's been steadily losing weight.  He dropped down to 7lb 6oz.  Even with consultations at the breast feeding clinic, the issue could not be resolved.  Because of this, we were told to supplement with a bottle while we work on breast feeding.  So when it's time to feed, I offer him the breast, then pump and then give him a bottle of breast milk.  Sigh, I have a feeling it's going to be a long journey...


Honey Didi Loving Family said...

Hmmm, so peaceful when he's sleeping. Now, sleep at night so mommy gets some rest.

Karen said...

Look how sweet he is right now.
Poor mommy. She knows it is all fakery.