Friday, August 23, 2013

Birth of Little Joshua - He's Finally Here!

The day started out  crappy, considering what happened the night before.  Just as I was about to go out for my daily walk, my GP called me on my cell phone.  She heard what happened the night before and she told me to go back to the hospital right away.  She was 150% certain that I was 5cm dilated.  With that call, I headed back to the St. Paul's hospital, without any expectations this time around. 

I was assessed by 2 doctors and both agreed I was indeed 5cm dilated.  They checked me into one of the maternity rooms to prepare for the baby.  Because I wasn't having any contractions at this point (low priority), I was the last on the list of procedures to be done that day.  We waited until 10:45pm before they had time to break my waters.  Once this was done, my contractions started soon after.  The contractions came quick, hard and intense, in 2 minute intervals.  Within 15 minutes, I went from 5cm to 10cm fully dilated, and was ready to push.  After a few pushes, our baby boy arrived into this world fast and furious!   

Please welcome our precious boy, Joshua Wong.  8lb 2oz.  Length 54cm (21 inches) and head circumference 35cm.   

PS - Richard threw my diamond ring into the garbage!


Karen said...

Every birth gets quicker and quicker for you!

You look fabulous! The lack of sleep doesn't kick in just yet.

Karen said...

I just saw that last comment!! WHAT!!! He threw your diamond ring in the bin! How did that happen?

He owes you a bigger one now!

Anonymous said...

Which ring? Did you get it back or does he owe you a new one?