Saturday, August 31, 2013

New Van - Mazda 5

So, we bought this new vehicle at the end of July, with our anticipation of our 3rd child.  We needed something bigger to fit all 3 car seats and the Audi just didn't cut it.  We spent 3 weekends at the Richmond auto mall looking at all the different minivans and 7-seater SUVs on the market.  Rich spent endless hours on the internet searching for the best one.

We had our mind sent on the Infinity QX but because we wanted the 2013 model which wasn't on the CDN market yet, we kept our options open.  We heard about the Mazda5 and decided to check it out.  As it turned out, the Mazda5 suited our family needs perfectly.  It can seat 6 people, in 3 rows of 2 seats.  The car doors slide open (like a van) so we don't have to worry about banging into other cars when the kids go in and out.  And best of all, the sales person who helped us that day, gave us a deal that we couldn't refuse.  We bought the car that day ($28,500 taxes in).  They call it the mini-minivan. 

When we picked up the car, there was only 9km on it!  Wow!  The kids call it the happy car (because the front of the car looks like a happy face). 

We've had the car for over a month now and I really like the feel of it.  Drives smooth, drives like a car (not like a van), feels safe and fits everyone.  Cargo space, not so good but it's working well for us.  PS - we kept the Audi so the inlaws have a car too.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

First Week at Home

On the home front, after the first week of bringing Joshua home, it seems everyone has adjusted well to the new baby... except for zombie Mommy who hasn't had more than 2 hours of sleep each night.  Both Jas and Julia love spending time with little brother, touching his hands and feet all the time and wanting to see him every chance they get.  Look how happy the girls are. 
On the feeding front, Joshua hasn't been breast feeding well at all. Actually, he hasn't latched on properly since his birth so he's been steadily losing weight.  He dropped down to 7lb 6oz.  Even with consultations at the breast feeding clinic, the issue could not be resolved.  Because of this, we were told to supplement with a bottle while we work on breast feeding.  So when it's time to feed, I offer him the breast, then pump and then give him a bottle of breast milk.  Sigh, I have a feeling it's going to be a long journey...

Friday, August 23, 2013

Birth of Little Joshua - He's Finally Here!

The day started out  crappy, considering what happened the night before.  Just as I was about to go out for my daily walk, my GP called me on my cell phone.  She heard what happened the night before and she told me to go back to the hospital right away.  She was 150% certain that I was 5cm dilated.  With that call, I headed back to the St. Paul's hospital, without any expectations this time around. 

I was assessed by 2 doctors and both agreed I was indeed 5cm dilated.  They checked me into one of the maternity rooms to prepare for the baby.  Because I wasn't having any contractions at this point (low priority), I was the last on the list of procedures to be done that day.  We waited until 10:45pm before they had time to break my waters.  Once this was done, my contractions started soon after.  The contractions came quick, hard and intense, in 2 minute intervals.  Within 15 minutes, I went from 5cm to 10cm fully dilated, and was ready to push.  After a few pushes, our baby boy arrived into this world fast and furious!   

Please welcome our precious boy, Joshua Wong.  8lb 2oz.  Length 54cm (21 inches) and head circumference 35cm.   

PS - Richard threw my diamond ring into the garbage!

Monday, August 19, 2013

At 39 weeks and still very pregnant

Currently 39 weeks and 2 days. 

I just had my weekly check up at the docs office and was told I'm already 5cm dilated (!) and was told to head over the hospital tonight.  I can't be walking around so dilated, in case my water breaks and I'll have the baby on the street.  So excited to see the new baby... 

But the excitement leads to disappointment.  The doc at the hospital found that I was only 1cm dilated (contrary to what my GP said) and that they could not break my waters... so I was discharged.  The waiting continues...

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

At 37 weeks...

Patiently waiting for little bubs to arrive.  Here I am at 37 weeks.