Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Preschool Graduation Class 2012 (video)

This took place on June 15, 2012 but I haven't had time to convert the video until now.  I will back date this posting.

It was an exciting day today. Dear little Jas is graduating from preschool! Can you believe it? My daughter... graduation... Sounds odd for a 4-year old but I guess they have to move up to a bigger school some time.

The teachers invited the parents to a potluck lunch and then the formal graduation ceremony afterwards. It was like the real deal, with the music, hat, standing on stage and getting a certificate. Very fun to watch (see video).  It was a proud moment for me.  

Congratulations, from Mommy and Daddy. We love you so much.


Honey Didi Loving Family said...

Jasmine, you make Yee Mah so proud (lots of tears)! A big girl now. Hmmm, when can you babysit Kyle, hehehe

Karen said...

It is so weird having a graduation class for preschool.

I saw it on the calendar for next year for our daycare, and was wondering what that was about and then found out they celebrate this.

Congrats Jasmine!